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FB Rant: I Hate Annoying Moviegoers!



The follow rant will contain some coarse language that is directed to the inconsiderate assholes that I have to share the same theater with for two hours. Don’t let the kiddies read any further.

Hey, guys. Sorry I haven’t done these in awhile. Last time was in July 2009. Wow! I guess, I didn’t have that much to rant on, but I have to put a certain type of people I would like to put on blast. The asshole moviegoers.

Everytime that are at the movie theater, the screen would say “please do not talk or text during the movie.” It should be heeded, but NO! Some jerkoff has to have their ringer on. They have something more important than concentrating on the movie.

Yesterday, I went to the opening matinee showing of Tom Ford’s film, “A Single Man”. I was at the only theater that was showing it, The Landmark Theater near downtown.

I bought my ticket and went into the theater. It was small with a nice sized crowed. I was twenty minutes early, because I thought a line would happen like when “Brokeback Mountain” or “Milk” opened.

Cut to the lights dimming and the movie starting, people were still yapping away when the opening titles came on the screen. Then, they eventually stopped.

In a pivtoal scene of the movie, some bitch’s cellphone goes off, she answers it and begins talking into it. GET OUT OF THE FUCKING THEATER, YOU MISERABLE CUNT!!! I wanted to slapped the shit of her, but there was a couple blocking my path towards killing her. She packed up her things and left the theater.

I thought things would get back to normal. Then, we have to have Mr. Heavy Sigher behind me doing it every five minutes. Stop doing that. That is fucking annoying. If you don’t like the movie, leave.

The topper is at least three people were checking their cell phones all the fucking. One woman checked her messages, voicemail, and texted right then and there. What the fuck people?!!!

What happened to common decency? What happened to shut out the outside world for two fucking hours, you piece of horse excrement?

You know what? There should be a punishment for people like this. I would suggest chopping off their hands when they are texting. An ear if they take on their cell phone call. Stapling their lips shut when they talk on their phones.

They would be so good, wouldn’t it?